“Prayer unites us; it makes us brothers and sisters. It is in prayer that our hearts find the strength not to be cold and insensitive in the face of injustice. In prayer, God keeps calling us, opening our hearts to charity.”
Pope Francis
We are delighted to welcome Fr Robert as the new parish priest at St Joseph's.
Fr Robert will be working closely with the staff and children and supporting us with collective worship both at school and at the parish.
School Prayers at St Vincent de Paul Catholic Primary School:
Available to view here
Our Collective Worship, Prayer & Liturgy Presentation for 2024:
Available to view here
Our Collective Worship, Prayer & Liturgy Policy can be found here:
Available to view here
The Jubilee Prayer in Different Languages
Please click the link below to view the Jubilee Prayer in various languages.
Our Y3, Y4 & Y5 Choir were privileged to sing at Westminster Cathedral in March 2023. See them in action here:
Recently we hosted children from 9 other primary schools for a day of spiritual reflection and connection before welcoming the relics of St Bernadette to our parish church next door. You can see a film about this very special day here:
Links to some of our most popular worship songs and hymns can be found in the following document. The children will enjoy singing along!
Available to view here
Pupils in our school have a strong devotion to Our Lady which form a focus for all in October and culminates in a special May Procession.
The liturgical seasons are marked and celebrated through our RE lessons and through the ebb and flow of our daily prayer & reflection.
The following slides will give you a flavour of what the Season of Lent is like at St Vincent de Paul School.