Welcome to Year 1 Mistral
Our class teacher is Mrs Lawlor.
We hope that you find all of the information that you need about our class. If anything is missing please let us know as we hope to develop this page further.
Home Learning Pack.
Should your child be asked to isolate for a covid related reason, we have put together a pack of relevant home learning that could be completed. This should only be completed if your child is well enough to do so.
There should be enough relevant learning to keep them busy for up to 14 days:
Work pack PDF link here
If you would like to share any completed work with the class teacher this can be emailed using the address shared in the Autumn 20 Class Letter.
Please do not hesitate to contact your child's teacher if you require any further information. If you require a physical copy of the pack, please contact the school office.
Letters & Information
Home Learning Resources
Learning Resources